Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kawasaki Disease: What's New?

This was the topic of our very own Pediatric Cardiologist Dr. Gerry B. Acosta spoke about on October 19, 2006 at the Lenox Hotel, Dagupan City.

Dr. Acosta carefully reviewed the diagnosis (fever lasting for at least 5 days plus 4 of 5 of the principal features: red eyes without discharge, cracked red lips and red “strawberry” tounge, swollen neck lymph nodes, generalized rash and swollen hands and feet and red palms). He likewise emphasized importance of intravenous immune globulin given at 2 grams/kg within the first 10 days of illness as recommended by the American Heart Association and long term follow-up with prolonged aspirin therapy.

He also presented some cases of atypical presentation Kawasaki disease patients as well as disease recurrence. susie castano, md

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